By bdingo on 2019-02-23
The year is 2023. The sea level has risen another 5000 feet, and Budster is attempting to convince Pamela to RIIR the live editor with a custom JS engine that bars the window object once and for all. \“The computing platform gets about five hits a day, there’s no point to this\” Pamela argues. Budster’s dingo eyes widen. \“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment? Do you know how long I’ve looked at those six-year-olds who thought they were so cool by returning this
in IIFE and growled in my mind? Do you know what it’s like to be hanging on a thin string connected to sheer glory while dangling over the chasm of death? Do you-\”. Before Budster can finish his monologue, a little notification sounds on his mobile phone. It’s an email from KA. The CS platform has been shut down, as College Board decided it was no longer necessary.
OJSE has merged with Rigby, and now includes Discord-style live chat. The entire front end is written in React. All pages take at least a minute to load. Matthias cries out, “why don’t we switch to this nice website I’ve built.” No one listens. GRIBFILE #5 is supposedly being written but Bding hasn’t spoken to anyone since *the incident*.
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ok now this is epic
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